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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  July 11, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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san jose to a city pool at bareback park, on a day like today, the wetter the better >> love coming to the swimming pool so the kids can relax a >> swimming pools are expensive to operate and the city cannot afford to staff it by itself. it is now run by private company which charges for lessons and recreational swimming at $3 per child, $4 per adult >> they get a swimming lessons, we provide the same services that the city was providing before >> if you couldn't be near the water, a shade was the next beck's think >> i have my have on and it my shades on so i'm he quit for the heat >> we have to put up with it and be pragmatic that this is that time of year >> some of us had to work in the sun like these construction workers. cold drinks for a lifeline.
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by 1:00 this afternoon they had drank about a half down the need >> when you feel dehydrated it is very bad for your body, you feel dizzy and you could faint >> the heat was just part of the uncomfortable mix of weather. dirty air is stagnating in bay area valley is making this another spare the air day. with the spare the air day, people are asked to refrain from diving as much as possible and not operate gas powered lawn mowers as much as possible. how long will it stick around? roberta has the answers >> when you take a look at some of the temperatures, you will think that you had it made in the shade because in san jose it was 86 degrees so far in the average is 84. 90 degrees in cupertino. in the eastern portion of the bay area, that is where the real
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key is. 104 in pleasanton. 103 degrees in pleasanton. a walnut creek also into triple digits. around the central bay, at the recipient of a west wind 10-20. tomorrow will be the fourth spare the air day. we will pinpoint the areas that will be the worst straight ahead. >> breaking news in the sierra foothills, evacuations are underway as a cruise battle the fire burning near shirttail canyon. people near the town of four still are the ones being evacuated. they say will be difficult to fight because it is in that forest. it is pretty rugged terrain. no word on how the fire started >> a bottlenose dolphin is trapped in south san francisco waterway.
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it is stuck swimming in circles in a slew of north of sfo. i understand you just saw the dolphin? >> he is right down here, he has been swimming back and forth. he is not stock, he can leave any time he wants. it is probably 50 yds wide and deep enough for many dolphins to come into. this is natural seawater and garfish there. here he is, he just popped up to my left. naturalists are telling us that this is not abnormal behavior. they come in and out of the bay constantly to feed. it is a little bit strange today because people this morning in an office building saw the dolphin and they made a ruckus about it. some people from the marine mammal center came down including ben who says he saw
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the dolphin as well >> i have been here since 2:00 and when i got here he was making small circles behind the water processing plant. maybe he was hunting and now he is making big lapse in he is slowly inching out towards the bay. >> they think he might be feeding and they think they might know who he is. they have very distinctive scars on their bodies and they took photographs of him and say they have seen him before in monterey bay. they say he is cruising around san francisco bay looking for something the eat. he could swim out right now, the water is very deep. almost all often disappeared in '82 or '83 but they have been coming back now in greater numbers along with harbor porpoises. >> a new warning about tuition
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costs if voters do not backed governor brown's tax plan in november. administrators say they would have no choice but to raise tuition by as much as 20%. if the tax initiative fails. 10 schools would lose $375 million in funding. the hike would bring yearly tuition to nearly $15,000 for in-state students. all long time in the making but the plan to approve a few san francisco soccer fields has been given the green light. the beach chalet fields will be upgraded thanks to a multimillion-dollar donation. >> ac transit has a plan to significantly cut the meat * for thousands of people, involves adding a bus only express lane between oakland and san leandro. one group wants to put the
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brakes on the idea >> the idea is to make bus travel so appealing that people want to get out of their cars but not everyone is on board. >> we depend on people to park right here >> luis is concerned about how the proposed rapid transit would affect his clothing store. the plan would mean taking out some parking spaces on international boulevard. >> when people park, they look at our window and they say they like those shoes and if they take that space, it will be harder for people to look at the product >> although it does remove some parking spots we believe the benefits outweigh the parking lots and we would mitigated everywhere began >> the plan is to create a light rail system on wheels dedicated lanes in the middle of the street for buses. they say it will cut 20 minutes
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of travel time between oakland and san leandro >> it provides a must, much more reliable public transportation experience >> it would be reduced to one lane of vehicle traffic in each direction. ac transit says that where it eliminates parking, it will build a parking lot nearby. how'd you feel about it? >> i'll like it because i don't like walking too far >> this is the wrong kind of system for this boulevard. >> she originally supported it but now believes that the plan is being forced on international boulevard because the businesses do not have a voice and are not organized like the merchants on telegraph avenue in berkeley to stop the project from going down there street. >> seniors and people with mobility problems have been opposed to this but they're not
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very well organized and people don't listen to them very much >> the next that is for the cities involved to sign off the next week city councils in oakland and san leandro will be taking their boats. >> a convicted murderer behind bars for killing his wife, in court again. the thing he is refusing to do for his children >> a chp officer stopping drivers in random checks. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes
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and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. >> two young children seeking justice for the murder of their mother are getting their day in court >> on the riser is in prison for killing his wife six years ago and now those kids are suing >> the latest from a word following opening statements
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today. >> it was a rather bizarre sight in the courtroom today with hans riser in orange prison suit and shackles acting as his own attorney admitting openly in court that he killed his wife. he had opening arguments and even questioned witnesses in about the most clumsy way possible >> at times he has been incoherent >> chronicle reporter henry britt, henry lee wrote a report on it. he says riser is trying to mount a civil because he claims his wife was a bad mother. he claimed she had a psychological disorder that had him inflicting fake illnesses on her children for sympathy. he cited no evidence whatsoever to the jury as he painted a confusing picture of his wife >> started out saying that nina was a wonderful mother but then he let loose a tirade, a laundry
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list of negatives about her, which certainly won't injure him to the jury >> he admitted he punched his wife in the face and strangled her and then hit her body in the oakland hills. after his conviction he made a deal with prosecutors where he led them to the body in exchange for a lesser sentence >> a friend of her testified that the couple's two children are living with relatives in russia and are still so traumatized by their mother's murder that they have even asked random americans about her >> the attorney representing the children says he expects to rest his case as soon as tomorrow with very limited testimony >> reason we won't bring 20 witnesses is because we do not need to. when a young child was running up to american tourists asking if you are still looking for my mother, the grandmother of the children in russia has pushed for the $15.2 million lawsuit.
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it is not clear how much money riser has now been given that he is a software engineer of some note, he could invent something in the future and the family wants to make sure the kids are taken care of. >> the santa clara county d.a. says it will not refile charges against william lynch for beating a priest. a jury acquitted lynch, he admitted he attacked father gerald lindner for molesting he and his brother back in the '70s. >> authorities are promising to take control and move squatters out of kelley park after three suspicious fires last night. they broke out about 9:00. previous fires have been traced back to the homeless encampment of 50-70 people >> we're learning more about the teenagers shot and killed near the oakland coliseum last night. he was one of 15 students hired
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by the oakland fire department as part of the summer works program. the fire chief says he was a good kid with a good spirit. this was the second murder in oakland in less than 24 hours. >> i will work to reform and save >> booed at a campaign event. the unwelcome message that mitt romney was trying to send. ,,
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you ready buddy? you're probably not getting called up to the majors. but your fence? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro.
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>> mitt romney was booed today while giving a speech at the annual naacp convention. most members of the civil rights groups are supporting president obama. romney is making his case for why they should rethink that boat >> mitt romney received a lukewarm greeting at the naacp's annual meeting. much of his speech was met with white applause until he started criticizing president obama and his policies >> on going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program
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i confined including obama care and bob will work to reform and save >> about 90 percent of black voters are expected to support president obama in november but romney says that support has not lead to results >> the unemployment rate, the duration of unemployment, averaged incumbent, median family wealth are all worse in the black community >> romney believe state focus on the economy can help him win in november and polls show the race is tightening. a new survey of voters nationwide shows that romney is three points behind, 46-43%. president obama has been working to lockean his support in the battleground states >> the states in this election could not be bigger >> he travelled to ottawa on tuesday trying to ignite the enthusiasm that led him to victory four years ago >> i'm betting that you will be
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as fired up as you were in 2008 because you understand the stakes >> the president is trying to convince voters that he is the candidate who can turn the economy around and defend the middle class. >> san bernardino becomes the third california city in less than two weeks to file for bankruptcy. city council voted in favor of filing chapter 9. it is facing a $45 million deficit and will soon not be able to pay city workers. >> it allows us to defer debt payments, to put off some payments so that we can make payroll and applies our cash to more immediate concerns of >> the city blames a shortfall on less revenue from property and sales taxes as well as union agreements and pension costs.
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>> drivers in pleasant hill were caught off guard today when they were pulled over at a random check point. >> julie watts explains that officers were looking for drunk drivers but rather polluters >> the bureau of automotive repair is conducting surveys all over the state focusing on areas with poor air quality. today was the 30 in the bay area this week. drivers are flat down and asked to participate in a voluntary roadside inspection. the test takes 10 minutes of in and they get a free vehicle inspection report. >> they're trying to make sure our air stays clean >> is for a good cause so i figure i might as well do it >> it is a good way to keep your car up to date and help with the
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environment so it won't pollute the air so much >> they say the random checks allow them to measure the effectiveness of the mandatory smog check program california homeowners now have some of the strongest foreclosure protections in the country. today governor brown signed the homeowner's bill of rights. it outlines were one arm of the bank is working on a modification with a homer where another is for closing on the home. banks now need to provide a single point of contact. >> we are done with robotic signing, we're done with false promises, we're done with a runaround, we're done with duplicative processes that have not supported responsible
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homeowners in california >> the new law takes effect january 1st. is it expected that 1 million homeowners are currently behind or foreclosing. you are in for some cash possibly. it is expected to be the largest cash settlement ever in a price-fixing case. plan and say that manufacturers held secret meeting setting prices to avoid competition. customers paid 20-25 percent more than they should have. half was approved today and the other half should be approved or the motion will be tomorrow. >> we will start to see a gradual cool down tomorrow but still not out of the triple digits in the eastern portion of the area. i just love this camera, i hope
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you do too. take a look at that fog that has worked its way up and over the golden gate bridge. you can see the very top of the tower which stands 746 ft. tall. i believe the fog is between 100-700 ft. high. san francisco is reporting 75 degrees. 75 degrees in oakland. 103 in livermore where the relative humidity is 12%. it had dropped down to 9% earlier. extremely dry conditions. 102 in dublin. still hot in the inland areas but seasonal by the weekend. low clouds and fog along the coast in the evening hours.
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everybody's sees the abundance of sunshine during the day but the area of high pressure will start to move back in an easterly direction and the midwest and east coast begins to heat up again. quality of air is unhealthy in the eastern portion of the bay area. overnight tonight into the fifties, tomorrow it looks like we will see high temperatures gradually coming down. '70s and '80s on the peninsula, 100 degrees in gilroy as well as tracy and pleasanton. 100 degrees in fairfield and vacaville. 89 degrees in nevada. 77 degrees in san francisco, which is typical at this time. [ male announcer ] it started long ago.
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>> a little bit of wind may do little bit of good for your bones >> a new study shows how drinking out of might prevent bone loss >> women who want to prevent osteoporosis might want to raise their glasses. a new study says drinking moderate amounts of alcohol might help prevent bone loss >> is better than medicine which has bad side effects >> researchers at oregon state university studied post menopausal women who have one- two drinks per day. the study found that when they stopped drinking the bone that was lost went up >> based on the study alcohol reduces bone loss by reducing the turnover that is elevated following menopause >> body constantly removes and replaces bone.
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with osteoporosis, more bone is lost ben is formed resulting in a weak bones that are more likely to break. older women are more affected because estrogen, the hormone that keeps bone replacement in check, decreases after menopause. women like 83 year-old sandra crane welcomed the study's findings >> is very common, and we can all use a little bit more wine, why not? >> researchers warn not to drink too much >> excess of of all is detrimental to bone of but in the moderate range appears to be beneficial >> this a healthy diet and exercise will help >> however, even moderate alcohol consumption is not without risk. it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> here is what we're working on for the 6:00 news. the mayor kick them out but they're still camped out on the streets and the movement seems to be growing. why bay area police say they're not cracking down on occupied protesters' right now. why some bay area rights to be areet


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